The Academic & Tactical Development Branch handles training & monitoring of Probationary Agents (abbreviated to as PAs), as well as Quantico University students. This branch possesses three subdivisions: the Office of Public Affairs (abbreviated to as OPA), the Office of Internal Oversight (abbreviated to as OIO), & the Office of Admissions (abbreviated to as OOA).
Executive Director of ATDB
Deputy Executive Director of ATDB
The National Security Branch handles the Operational Security (also known as OPSEC) of FBI and USSS as a whole. The National Security Branch possesses two subdivisions: the Criminal Investigate Division (CID), the Counterintelligence and Security Center (CSC). The National Security Branch handles background checks, reports, infiltrating other groups, and information gathering.
Executive Director of NSB
Deputy Executive Director of NSB
The Critical Incident Response Group (abbreviated to as CIRG) is the combative directorate of the FBI. CIRG is in charge of TPS, FPS and MILSIM operations with OPFOR. It currently possesses three subdivisons: the SWAT, Special Flight Operations (also known as SFO) and the Hostage Rescue Team (also known as HRT).
Executive Director of CIRG
Deputy Executive Director of CIRG
Not very much is known about the Center of Ethics. The Center of Ethics, also known as "CoE", conducts investigations into all FBI personnel, ranging from Probationary Agents to Executive Directors. CoE deals with any issue regarding FBI personnel / information.
Executive Director of CoE
Deputy Executive Director of CoE
Join the most elite department in the USSS today. We are looking for the best and brightest to join our team.
The top executives of the branches of this department.
Deputy Director
Chief of Staff
Executive Director of CIRG
Executive Director of NSB
Executive Director of CoE
Executive Director of ATDB